Sunday, July 22, 2012

Tri Del Sol Duathlon Race Report 7.21.12

On Saturday my wife twisted my arm and made me do a duathlon while she competed in her first Triathlon. The duathlon consisted of a 2mi run / 19mi bike / 4.9mi run. The first run I did fairly well and finished in the middle of the pack with a total time of 14:30. Then the bike started. It was a very rolling course with almost no flat sections. I made up a lot of ground and passed nearly everybody with a average of 22. Which is pretty good for me considering drafting is illegal, and as many of you know that's the only way I can keep up on Wednesday night rides. Overall I had the third fastest bike split in the duathlon. Then the dreaded final ran began. It took almost ¾ of a mile before my calves stopped screaming at me. All that hard work and huge lead I had gained was quickly washed away by mile 2 or 3 as the other runners appeared to be sprinting right by my slow ass. I finished the run with a time of 41:24min - avg 8:30min/mi. Which is way better than the goal I had set for my self. Finished 3rd of 4 in my age bracket and 22nd of 59 overall.

Special thanks to WSI and Team Active for making all of this possible.

David Goff

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