Monday, August 25, 2014

Kevin Bridges Louisville Ironman Report

Kevin IM 1Katie and I spent the weekend in Louisville KY at the magnificent Gault House Hotel which was the host of  Ironman Louisville.  Friday was athlete check in, Saturday bike, gear check in and athlete briefing.  The build up to Sundays race was nerve-racking, the weather was predicted to be hot and humid (Kentucky in August, who knew).  We did get sometime to go out and see Louisville, which is a very nice town and maybe even nicer people.

On race day we all headed to the swim start, 2000 triathletes like lemmings about to jump off a cliff or a dock in this case.  The swim is in the Ohio River starting up river then turning down river swimming under two bridges and exiting at Joe's Crab Shack.

The bike course was in beautiful rolling horse country.  They had water stations every 10-12 miles which helped deal with the heat.  My bike leg was uneventful, I tried to keep cool and not use up too much of my legs.

The run is though Louisville past University of Louisville and Church Hill Downs.  The heat became very apparent on the run, most of us were pouring ice water on ourselves at the water stations trying to keep cool. The run seemed to take forever, but the great folks of Louisville were out on the course cheering us on.  The last two blocks of the run are incredible, both sides were lined with screaming people, cheering like they personally knew me.

This event had tons of volunteers that made it easy to navigate transition and get what ever was needed on the course, it was largely due to them that I was able to finish in 12 hours and 38 mins. under my goal of beating Hines Wards time at Kona of 13 hours and 8 mins.

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