Monday, May 26, 2014

Bridges Family Race Report - Seahorse Challenge

Seahorse Challenge May 25, 2014

Katie BridgesKatie: What a beautiful morning for a race! With the harsh winter I really had been looking forward to summertime and triathlon and the Seahorse Challenge at Coldbrook Park did not disappoint. Kevin and I raced the Olympic distance, while Marie raced the duathlon and Scotty the Sprint Tri.

The Olympic distances athletes went out first, and I did not see Kevin or Scotty until the finish line. The water temperature was just fine. I really had some struggles at the beginning. In my head I was thinking, “how do I do this again?” At one point I realized my wetsuit was making breathing difficult, and as soon as I fixed that, things went a little better. Two loops around and I felt more than ready to head to my bike. Goodbye water!

The bike course was hillier than I thought. It was downhill at first and I was able to push it a bit to shore up my sense of self-respect after that swim. The hills came later and I really had to pay for that earlier speed! I found Marie on my first lap, and passed her. The roads were quite smooth and my ride was pretty nice. In one particularly rough/hilly spot, R.J. from Team Active was perched on the side of the road to assist anyone who might need it. Luckily, my trusty Synapse got me through. Two loops around and I arrived back into the park. Time to run!

The run course cut through woods, swamps, campgrounds and fields. Michigan was really turning up the heat by that time, and I looked around me and thought, “finally it’s summer!” The run was very well supported and I took advantage of EVERY water/HEED station. The run finishes with a run up a set of stairs… I was ready to be done!!

The highlight of my race was seeing my daughter Marie at the finish line, along with my great teammates and friends Nikki, Charles, Danny and Matthew. Third place in my age group, I’ll take it. Not bad for my first tri of ’14.

Scotty BirdgesScotty: Its finally triathlon season, I did the sprint distance. Swim was good came out of the water 16th, spotted all my buoys perfectly, time to bike. I was flying past a lot of people with carbon fiber time trail bikes, averaged about 21 miles per hour and hade the 8th fastest time, and felt very good. The run was a nice mix of pavement and trail. Ran a 24 minute 5k and 6th fastest on the run. Finished 8th overall with a 1:14 time. Finished first in my age group, ready for Gull Lake Tri.

Kevin: Seahorse Triathlon holds a very special place in my heart, it was my first triathlon a few years ago. This year I did the Olympic distance, previously I’ve done the Sprint race.

The water was much warmer than I thought it would be, at the start of the swim I got kicked and had my goggles knocked out of place. Normally this isn’t a big deal but today I had a hard time getting back into a rhythm, after about 300 meters I got it together and finished the swim without any problems.

The bike went very well my Speed Concept performed flawlessly, I do need to work on the engine though. The run course at Seahorse has a little of everything pavement, dirt, and trail. It was nice to see other teammates on the run and encourage each other. I didn’t finish with a medal, but had a solid performance to build on going to Gull Lake.

Marie BridgesMarie: I did the Seahorse Duathlon. It was a beautiful day and it was a great race for me. I’m a 16-year-old girl so I’m normally one of the only ones in my age group, which I was. There were very few of us anyway. We went out on pavement and the running course was on pavement for the first mile, then we went on a trail. It got spongy for a little bit, but most if the trail is dry. It goes back on the pavement. Both of the runs are 5k.

The bike was my favorite part. The first part is mostly downhill and I could get really fast. I got up to 28 mph once, which is really fast for me. It was a nice day, no wind, very minimal traffic on the road, which I appreciate. The bike course goes through beautiful southern Michigan farmland.

I was the 3rd overall female and I made an awesome friend who was the first overall female in the duathlon, and I hope to see her in many more races as the summer goes on. It was a great race, and I hope to do it for years to come.

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