Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Bridges Family Members Continue Their Racing Efforts

Marie and Katie at Yankee TTWSI Cycling's "cycling family" - The Bridges - have been busy these past couple of weekends. In addition to the two following race reports featuring their exploits on trail and road, you can expect at least one more report on their most recent triathlon, the Seahorse. Scott's doing the sprint distance, Marie is racing the duathlon and mom and dad (Katie and Kevin) racing the Olympic distance triathlon. Can't wait for the results!

Yankee Springs Time Trial - Sunday, May 18, 2014

Yankee TT 2014 was almost a repeat of Custer Stampede; Scotty was first in his age group with a 1:03, Marie second. Kevin was 18th racing in the Sport class for the first time, turning in a 1:03. Katie was 13th. Scott's time was about 20 seconds faster than the old man's (daddy might need a new bike). Although the trail was fast and the racing fun, I think hanging out with the family and friends at the finish line was the best part of the day. Hopefully next year's race will be held on a day as nice as this year, but moved to April. The Bridges don’t have any more mountain bike races on our schedule for this year, but we might try to squeeze in one more race, if we can find the time. Triathlon season is starting soon it’s going to be a busy summer.

~The Bridges Family

Tour de Frankenmuth - Saturday, May 24, 2014

Kevin Bridges - FrankenmuthThe Tour de Frankenmuth 2014 was Scott and my (Kevin, the dad) first road race. Scott raced as a junior that was one 20-mile lap. I raced Cat 5 over 35, which was two laps. The first lap was uneventful, at every turn the peloton would slow then everyone would sprint back into a group. The farther back in the pack you are the harder it is to catch back up. I managed to stay with the peloton until the last left-hand turn where the road widened out the group spread out and picked up the paced, I tried to stay with them, but all I could do was keep them in sight to the finish line. Riding in a large group was very intense. I averaged 22 mph with a top speed of 34 mph and finished in 41st place. I want to go back next year to see how much I can improve.

Scott's race started with about 15 riders, at the starting line the starter lady said that if there was any swearing you will be disqualified (this may be an issue) but all the riders agreed not to snitch. After the first turn the group narrowed down to about eight riders. In a single file line taking turns pulling, they cruised at about 22 mph. Every two mile there would be one rider drop off the breakaway, until there was five of them, things were calm for about five miles. Then as he got back into position after a pull, took a drink and a deep breath, the person third in line crashed, Scott and the rider in front of him managed to miss him. After they regrouped, there was four of them, knowing the top three got on the podium, he tried to lose at least one rider, but it did not happen. He finished fourth with a 59 second gap between Scott and the winner.

~Kevin Bridges

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