Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Willow Time Trial Race Report: Haas, Winton & Wolin

Josh, TT BikeJosh: Time trialing (TT) is not for everyone but for Danny and I, riding at or near lactic threshhold and suffering as long as possible is an adrenaline rush we love. Willow would be the first of the season TT for several of us and WSI Team Active Cycling had great representation. Devin Winton, Danny Wolin, Matt Wright, and myself all raced.  Willow is a 2.22mi loop that is repeated 6 times equaling 13.32mi.  While the weather man Josh, Warm-upsaid it wouldn't be windy, Willow Metropark must have been left off his report because HOLY WINDS!!! Strong side winds around the 3rd curve were hellish on deep dish wheels but we all pushed through the winds safely. At Willow, it's important to know where you are at all times so you enter the finish chute on the correct lap. All four of us did just that  and all posted great times. For me, my goal was to finish in under 35min and I posted an even 34min time. That worked out to a 23.5mph average which I was very pleased with for a race in April. The next TT for me will be the State Time Trial Championships June 22. I'll be picturing Rocky training in Siberia whilst doing my interval work throughout the next month. :)

Devin, TT BikeDevin: Willow has always been a good indicator if my winter training. The only thing constant about Willow is the weather: it is never consistent. Some years, it is sunny and 70, while other years it may be blustery and 40. As long as I am within a couple of minutes of previous years, I figure my off season training has been effective.

2014 was windy. Very windy. Riding Cat 4, I started just ahead of my teammate Danny Wolin. With a strong northwest wind, it was wind in your face at the start and finish of the six lap race. Riding "blind," i.e. without hr monitor or computer, I had no idea what my speed was. By the middle of the first lap I settled into a pace I knew I could sustain and began to suffer. A TT is just a matter of how much and how intense the suffering can be endured.

Well, after 6 laps I finished about where I expected;Danny, TT Bike time consistent with prior years and all in all a fun outing with teammates Danny Wolin, Josh Haas, and Matt Wright.

Thanks to Team Active, WSI, and our other sponsors.

Danny: It was a very nice, windy day to race the Willow TT and also very nice to see Josh, Matt and Devin race as well. While the training was a bit behind due to the winter I felt very good and the intervals paid off. I ended up with second place (again) to the same guy as last year but I was very happy with the result as it was the fastest time and average speed I have had there (26 mph) and 30.35.

-Josh Haas, Devin Winton & Danny Wolin

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